Eagle Ed. will coordinate each individual’s educational or vocational plan and will supplement the academic supports each person is engaged in. Eagle Ed. will be open to help our persons served with the schoolwork they are currently completing as well as provide possible alternate support for children/youth not enrolled in a full time school program or assist adults with accessing adult educational programs. Planning will be in conjunction with School District 57 and Adult Learning Alternatives to assist the individual to realize academic achievement goals. It will also focus on helping individuals that are not in school to acquire academic support through distance education and transitioning back to regular school attendance.

Life skills Assessments (PAR-Q and Ansel Casey) are completed by the home and forwarded to the Eagle Ed. Director to ensure that programming content is relevant to the life skills that the individual has identified as areas that they need assistance with.

Academic and life skills support will be planned around daily recreational activities to encourage learning during teachable moments while providing intermittent healthy alternatives throughout the skill enhancement day.

The Life skills portion of the service will focus on the developmental skills that are needed to help all individuals be successful and competent community members. We use a variety of Life skills support to aid in goal progression. Eagle Ed. also provides the mental health support/coordination for our individuals served as the need arises.